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These Lads Are Mental

In our latest episode, we speak to men's empowerment coach, and proud dad of four, Matt Halston.

We cover lots of ground around:

- Being a dad

- Leaning into your feminine side

- The primal and the divine

- The hyper-masculine archetypes are supremely self disruptive vs the divine who are more along the highly spiritual route

- Support groups for men

- How getting thanks from people when you share was his first big 'aha moment' (and sharing takes a load off you)

- What makes an actual dad?

- Neil/Gary try to single-handedly solve the gender equality problem

- The importance of men dealing with their traumas

- Why men are bad at communicating their feelings

- The tendency for men to try to ‘fix’ things

- How parenting is not easy - Are there too many rules around parenting?

- How to define ‘me time' and the importance of filling up your cup

Watch the video episode on YouTube.

As always, follow us at @These Lads Are Mental

Follow Matt on @father_of_the_tribe_au on Instagram

These Lads Are Mental
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